marți, 28 decembrie 2010

Eee PC MKV play performance

I have an Asus EeePC 1000H and i use it mostly for watching movies. I have some problems playing MKV video files without the AC plugged in with GOM player with its standard codecs, so i installed aditional codecs. (just google MKV codec) and hit the first link)
The result was acceptable, no more frame freeze/skip , but still there are some sync problmes with the audio/video track.
Hope someone else finds this usefull.

4 comentarii:

  1. I have always used VLC media player no matter what format.

  2. I love VLC. Would you recommend going to Linux? I've been using windows my entire life, but from what I hear linux is much lighter / powerful.

  3. I think Gomplayer is some kind equal to VLC. No poit rguing about which is better.
    And about Linux... I don't know what to say.. latst versions of Ubuntu seem to me bloated like Vista.
